..that Promises a Highly Pleasurable Orgasm to Every Woman
Let us first clarify that the term Queening refers to a sexual practice that is not new at all and flirts a lot with BDSM not so much practically, but emotionally, since in fact the man recognizes the superiority of the woman and submits to her.
# Bend the Knee

Therefore, any sexual or non-sexual relationship involving domination and submission is within the realm of BDSM, so in the case of Queening, the queen is the woman and her subject is the man.
So Queening is the term that replaces face sitting which is nothing more than a woman sitting on a man’s face in order for him to offer her oral sex.

It is a sex position that pleases the woman and only the woman by putting the man in a position of submission and on the other hand the lady of the duet is not at any risk of pregnancy, something that liberates her even more.
Finally, the freedom of movement that they both have in their hands can make this attitude even more interesting since movements can be added from both sides, always with the aim of pleasing the #Queen